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* August 2019 *

* World Champion *
Date of birth April 29, 2013
Color: BLH a03 (bicolor blue)
05.10.2019 - PRUSZKÓW - PZF - 2x EX1 CAC (BLH ns11 - previous color)
06.10.2019 - PRUSZKÓW - PZF - 2x EX1 CAC, nomination for Best In Show
(BLH ns12 - new color)
09/11/2019 - WARSAW - IBSCC - 1x EX1 CAC, nomination for Best In Show, 1x EX1 CACIB
10/11/2019 - WARSAW - IBSCC - 1x EX1 CACIB
(Śnieżynka finished the title of CHAMPION and gained two certificates for the title of Inter Champion)
17.10.2020 - PRUSZKÓW - PZF - 1x EX1 CACIB (end of International Champion title)
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